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信州大学経法学部において月1回のペースで開催される「188bet体育_188bet备用网址会」は、経済学、経営学、法学、政治学など、社会科学諸分野の188bet体育_188bet备用网址成果 について報告?議論する場を提供し、さまざまな188bet体育_188bet备用网址トピックスに関して相互理解を深めるとともに、188bet体育_188bet备用网址者間でのコミュニケーションの促進を図ることを目的としています。
構想段階の188bet体育_188bet备用网址や調査進行段階の188bet体育_188bet备用网址も発表可能であり、188bet体育_188bet备用网址者間の意見交換を通 じて188bet体育_188bet备用网址内容の発展を図るなど、建設的な議論が展開されています。また、報告者は信州大学の教員にとどまらず、他機関の188bet体育_188bet备用网址者も積極的に招き入れ、より広範なトピックスを取り扱うことを目指しています。

  • 講演者 金井 悠一郎
    所 属 東京都立大学法学部
    日 時 2025年2月12日(水) 15:30~17:00
    場 所 信州大学経法学部 188bet体育_188bet备用网址棟4階 188bet体育_188bet备用网址会室
    題 目 契約不適合責任の日仏比較―現在の188bet体育_188bet备用网址と今後の188bet体育_188bet备用网址計画
    概 要





  • 講演者 松島 法明
    所 属 大阪大学社会経済188bet体育_188bet备用网址所
    日 時 2025年2月17日(月) 14:00~15:30
    場 所 信州大学経法学部 新棟5階 第4講義室
    題 目 The Effects of Personal Data Management on Competition and Welfare
    概 要 This study examines the impact of consumers' endogenous personal data management on firm competition in the data collection and application markets, as well as on welfare outcomes. Consumers purchase products from differentiated firms in these two markets. Initially, firms compete to collect consumer data, aiming to predict consumers' preferences in the data application market, where each firm offers personalized prices to its targeted consumers and a uniform price to untargeted consumers. Before firms offer prices in the data application market, targeted consumers can erase their data at a fixed cost, thereby becoming untargeted. We show that personal data management mitigates price competition and harms consumer surplus and social welfare in the data application market, while firms may either benefit or suffer. Conversely, personal data management intensifies competition and improves consumer surplus in the data collection market. When integrating both markets, personal data management can affect the well-being of firms and consumers either in the same direction or in a seesaw manner. We extend the model in several directions, including data portability, data ownership, consumers' heterogeneous costs for data tracking, and firms' proactive strategies under personal data laws. Additionally, we discuss the managerial implications of these findings.





  • 講演者 Dr. Xiao Fang
    所 属 Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    日 時 2025年2月3日(月) 13:30~15:00
    場 所 信州大学経法学部 新棟5階 第4講義室
    題 目 High-dimensional Central Limit Theorems by Stein's Method in the Degenerate Case (co-authored with Yuta Koike, Song-Hao Liu and Yi-Kun Zhao)
    概 要 In the literature of high-dimensional central limit theorems, there is a gap between results for general limiting correlation matrix $\Sigma$ and the strongly non-degenerate case. For the general case where $\Sigma$ may be degenerate, under certain light-tail conditions, when approximating a normalized sum of $n$ independent random vectors by the Gaussian distribution $N(0,\Sigma)$ in multivariate Kolmogorov distance, the best-known error rate has been $O(n^{-1/4})$, subject to logarithmic factors of the dimension. For the strongly non-degenerate case, that is, when the minimum eigenvalue of $\Sigma$ is bounded away from 0, the error rate can be improved to $O(n^{-1/2})$ up to a $\log n$ factor. In this paper, we show that the $O(n^{-1/2})$ rate up to a $\log n$ factor can still be achieved in the degenerate case, provided that the minimum eigenvalue of the limiting correlation matrix of any three components is bounded away from 0. We prove our main results using Stein's method in conjunction with previously unexplored inequalities for the integral of the first three derivatives of the standard Gaussian density over convex polytopes. These inequalities were previously known only for hyperrectangles. Our proof demonstrates the connection between the three-components condition and the third moment Berry--Esseen bound.



  • 講演者 楊 潔(Jie Yang)
    所 属 富山大学188bet体育_188bet备用网址推進機構 サステイナビリティ国際188bet体育_188bet备用网址センター
    日 時 2025年1月8日(水) 16:20~17:50
    場 所 信州大学経法学部 188bet体育_188bet备用网址棟4階 188bet体育_188bet备用网址会室
    題 目 Climate Impacts on Clean Energy Investment
    概 要
    This study examines the effects of climate change on investment decisions in clean energy in China. Specifically, critical thresholds related to daily temperature and precipitation distributions from 1980 to 2019 across counties are used to construct climate measures, including cold, hot, dry, and wet extremes. A balanced county-level panel dataset of wind and solar installed capacity from 2003 to 2019 is collected to proxy for clean energy investment. The results indicate that wind capacity is more negatively affected by cold extremes, while both cold and hot extremes significantly reduce solar capacity. Precipitation extremes yield no significant negative impact on wind capacity, whereas wet extremes adversely affect solar capacity, with higher precipitation intensity having more substantial effects. Overall, solar development is more susceptible to weather extremes than wind but is more adaptive to dry extremes. The results also highlight greater energy vulnerability in regions with higher renewable investment and climate risk, emphasizing the importance of understanding seasonal and regional heterogeneity to grasp the impact patterns of weather extremes on clean energy investment.




  • 講演者 寺前 慎太郎
    所 属 信州大学経法学部
    日 時 2024年12月11日(水) 16:20~17:50
    場 所 信州大学経法学部 188bet体育_188bet备用网址棟4階 188bet体育_188bet备用网址会室
    題 目 株券発行前に行われた株式譲渡の当事者間での効力
    概 要




