Siritanawan 188bet体育_188bet备用网址室では、「画像情報工学を活用して、人間とコンピュータとが共生する幸福で豊かな世界を創成する 」というコンセプトのもと、次世代の画像認識?理解の188bet体育_188bet备用网址に取り組んでいます。
Our laboratory is engaged in research on next-generation image recognition and understanding, driven by the concept of "Shaping a Better World through Image Information Engineering."
In a society with higher diversity awareness, our aim is to deepen the understanding of human behavior, and the psychology of people across different values and cultures, while studying interactions between humans and machines. To achieve this, we are interested in research on computer vision by integrating in-depth human behavioral analysis with computational techniques, focusing on elemental technologies of image information science, such as image analysis, recognition, and understanding. Furthermore, we will ensure that intelligent machines (Computers, Robots, Interactive agents, etc.) can reliably interact with both humans and the world in a safe, secure, and compassionate manner, ultimately shaping a future where these intelligent machines can enrich human life in this AI-driven generation.
Keywords: Computer Vision, Affective Computing, Secure and Trustworthy Image Understanding, Human Visual Perception, Human-Computer Interaction