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E-brochureMedical Education and Community Medivine

Master's Program Human Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine
Doctor's Program Medical Science Division, Department of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Staff List

Senior Assistant Professor MORI Junichiro

Summary of Activity

Medical education in the 21st century has rapidly modernized: from experience-based to theory-based, and from spoon-feeding lectures to collaborative task-based activities in view of social constructivism. With its educational activities and relevant research, Center for Medical Education and Clinical Training contributes to filling the academic and practical need for clinical providers and leaders in the health professions.

Research Subject

  • ? Perceptions of health professions who are involved in outreach activities
  • ? Curriculum reform and its influence on students
  • ? Innovative collaborative/active learning approaches
  • ? Educational assessment procedures for clinical clerkship

Outlook for Research

  • ? We innovated a blended group learning and implemented it into a preclinical curriculum. It improved students’ motivation.
  • ? We clarified tutors’ perceptions in an outreach activity program.
  • ? We developed a test management system by collaborating with a company.
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