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Master's Program Medical Science Division, Department of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology
Doctor's Program Biotechnology Division, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Staff List

Professor SETO Tatsuichiro
Senior Assistant Professor WADA Yuko
Assistant Professor FUKE Megumi, OHASHI Noburo, ICHIMURA Hajime, GOMIBUCHI Toshihito, MIKOSHIBA Toru


E-mail : shinshu-cvs(at)
※ Change (at) to @ when you send an e-mail.

Summary of Activity

We are conducting surgical treatment for cardiovascular diseases, peripheral vascular diseases including venous and lymphatic vessels, from heart disease to peripheral organs in the body as a whole. Particularly in multidisciplinary therapy for patients with severe systemic complications, elderly patients, patients with complex lesions, taking advantage of the university hospital, we offer medical treatment aiming for safer and more reliable surgery considering the patient's long-term prognosis.

Research Subject

  • ?Research and development of cardiac regenerative therapy using iPS cell.
  • ?Research and development of surgery for thoracoabdominal aneurysm.
  • ?Research and development of novel site-selective ischemic disease therapeutic using recombinant bifidobacteria
  • ?Research and development of cardiac allograft rejection

Outlook for Research

In medicine, it is said that today’s contraindications are tomorrow’s indications.
Things that are forbidden today because something cannot be overcome may be permitted tomorrow thanks to just one breakthrough.

Major Publications

1. Increased predominance of the matured ventricular subtype in embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes in vivo
Ichimura H, Kadota S, Kashihara T,Yamada M,Ito K,Kobayashi H,Tanaka Y,Shiba N,Chuma S, Tohyama S,Seto T,Okada K,Kuwahara K,Shiba Y.
Scientific Reports. 2020 Jul 17;10(1):11883.

2. Impact of Frailty on Outcomes in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection.
Gomibuchi T, Seto T, Komatsu M, Tanaka H, Ichimura H, Yamamoto T, Ohashi N, Wada Y, Okada K.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 Nov;106(5):1349-1355.

3. Increased Expression of Y-Box-Binding Protein-1 in Hind-Limb Muscles During Regeneration from Ischemic Injury in Mice.
Fuke M, Narita M, Wada Y, Seto T, Okada K, Nakayama J, Izumi H, Ito KI.
Tohoku J Exp Med. 2018 Jan;244(1):53-62.

4. Allogeneic transplantation of iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes regenerates primate hearts.
Shiba Y, Gomibuchi T, Seto T, Wada Y, Ichimura H, Tanaka Y, Ogasawara T, Okada K, Shiba N, Sakamoto K, Ido D, Shiina T, Ohkura M, Nakai J, Uno N, Kazuki Y, Oshimura M, Minami I, Ikeda U.
Nature. 2016 Oct 20;538(7625):388-391.

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