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E-brochureOtorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Master's Program Human Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine
Doctor's Program Medical Science Division, Department of Medical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Staff List

Professor TAKUMI Yutaka
Associate Professor KITOH Ryosuke
Senior Assistant Professor TSUKADA Keita, YOSHIMURA Hidekane
Assistant Professor HORI Kentaro, IWASA Yoh-ichiro, SUGIYAMA Kenjiro, KOBAYASHI Takaaki

Summary of Activity

The Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery deals with most of the sensory organs such as hearing, balance, smell, and taste. Of these, hearing is the most important communication tool for humans, and its impairment can greatly reduce Quality of Life (QOL) . In our department, we are conducting research on the mechanism of hearing loss and new treatment methods.
The head and neck region, which includes the nasal cavity, oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, larynx, and cervical esophagus, controls important functions for human life such as olfaction, feeding, swallowing, and voice. Cancers that develop in each of these regions can greatly reduce QOL and even be fatal. We are conducting research to identify new therapeutic targets for head and neck cancers based on gene expression.

Research Subject

  • 1. Study on the protection and treatment of the cochlear nerve by DDS via cochlear implant
  • 2. Development of database for diagnosis and treatment of otological diseases and development of novel AI diagnosis and analysis system
  • 3. Elucidation of pathogenesis and development of novel gene therapy for human hereditary hearing loss models
  • 4. Elucidation of factors and mechanisms of vestibular damage caused by progressive hearing loss
  • 5. Analysis of the microenvironment of head and neck cancer by gene expression analysis
  • 6. Study on the efficacy of cancer rehabilitation in patients with head and neck cancer
  • 7. A study on the diversity and regional characteristics of airborne pollen in Nagano Prefecture

Outlook for Research

No single fundamental treatment for hearing loss has yet been found.
However, research in our department has led to the discovery of new therapeutic models for otological diseases, which may help many patients with hearing loss in the future. In addition, the discovery of new therapeutic targets for head and neck cancer could greatly improve cancer treatment.
We want to develop further applications of our results and explore new treatment methods.

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