Studying Abroad at Shinshu University

This page provides information for prospective students who wish to study at Shinshu University's Faculty of Science or a Shinshu University graduate school. Procedures differ for privately funded and nationally funded study abroad programs.

Nationally Funded Study Abroad Programs

Recruitment and selection of nationally funded international students are carried in three ways: embassy recommendation of applicants living overseas, university recommendation of applicants living overseas, and domestic recruitment in Japan of persons living in Japan for privately funded study programs. Detailed information can be found on the following website.

Privately funded international students (MEXT nationally funded foreign exchange student website)

Privately Funded International Students

Scholarships for privately funded international students (Shinshu University Global Education Center website)


View the Information on Faculty of Science Entrance Examinations page for details.

Information on Faculty of Science Entrance Examinations

Graduate School (Master's Program)

Master's Program students start school in April. Please view the Information on Graduate School Master's Program Entrance Examinations page for details.

Information on Graduate School Master's Program Entrance Examinations

Graduate School (Doctor's Program)

For the Graduate School of Science and Technology, selection processes are held separately for students applying to enroll in April and those applying to enroll in October. Foreign applicants must answer questions in Japanese as part of their entrance examinations. Please view the entrance examination information page for details.

Information on Graduate School Doctoral's Program Entrance Examinations

Research Students

The research student program for those interested in pursuing education in a specific graduate fieldaccepts international students as research students rather than as regular university students. After studying for half a year as research students, program participants can enroll as regular students at the university. In the case of both master's and doctoral students, research students generally enroll either in April or October. For more information, please contact the teaching staff under whose supervision you wish to study.
For information on teaching staff, please view the Research Fields page.

Research Fields

Double Degree Program

The Shinshu University Graduate School of Science and Technologyaccepts applications from international students through the double degree program agreement with its partner universitiesandinstitutions. Students admitted under this program arecanobtain master's degreessimultaneously from both institutionsby following a specific study abroad curriculum at Shinshu University.

Andalas University

Application Eligibility Andalas University (Indonesia) Master's Course
Program Start Periods April and October
Application Periods November and July
Application Schedule Spring Program
Late November: application period
Late January: interviews and review of applications
Late February: announcement of successful applicants (those permitted to enroll)
Mid-March: enrollment procedures
April: enrollment at Shinshu University
March-April: students come to Japan

Fall Program:
Late July: application period
Mid-August: interviews and review of applications
Early September: announcement of successful applicants (those permitted to enroll)
Mid-September: enrollment procedures
October: enrollment at Shinshu University
September-October: students come to Japan

Shinshu University has student exchange programs with other partner universities in addition to Andalas University.

Student Exchange Programs

Through student exchange programs, Shinshu University accepts foreign students from other universities based on exchange partnerships agreements established with those institutions.

Application Eligibility Students enrolled at a university that has an exchange partnership agreement with Shinshu University and who wish to study at Shinshu University for a period of between six months and one year
Japanese Proficiency Requirements Students with any level of Japanese skills (beginner to advanced) are accepted
Program Start Periods Early April (spring program) and late September (fall program)
Application Periods Spring program: applications accepted starting in June of the previous year with an October 30 deadline
Fall program: applications accepted starting in December of the previous year with an April 30 deadline

For information on exchange student programs, relevant procedures and so forth, please view the Shinshu University Global Education Center's Exchange Student Program page.
Shinshu University Global Education Center: Exchange Student Program

Shinshu University partner institutions (only those relevant to the Faculty of Science)

Kasetsart University Thailand
Chulalongkorn University Thailand
Andalas University Indonesia

Shinshu University Faculty of Science partner institutions

National Central University Taiwan
School of Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology China