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Overview of FTST

The foundation of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology (FTST) dates back to the establishment of the National Ueda Silk Yarn Polytechnic in 1910. It was established as the first institute of higher education to focus on silk thread, against the background of the latest science of the time, as Japan strove to establish itself as an industrial nation. Subsequently, the faculty evolved into an institute of higher education that covered the range of technology related to textiles. With the reform of the educational system in 1949, it became the Faculty belonging to Shinshu University, the form it takes today. During this history, the faculty was active in sending forth personnel who could work immediately in the current and future cutting edge technologies by combining academic research and education over a cross discipline foundation that covers science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine. Leveraging its unique position as Japanese only faculty of textile science, the faculty promotes diverse, world leading research and educational projects in collaboration with domestic and international research institutes, as well as through collaboration between industry, academia, and government.

Students of the FTST

MaleFemaleTotalExchange students (included)
FTST 934 312 1246 27
Master's program 335 84 419 27
Doctorate program 50 24 74 37
Total 1320 420 1769 91

As of Apr 1, 2020

Teaching & Administrative Staff of the FTST

Administrative Staff
Ueda Campus 48 32 1 9 104

As of April 1, 2020

FTST Guide2020-2021