
? Intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring? Awake craniotomy? Development of intraoperative supporting device, surgical device?Elucidation of brain function and epilepsy?Surgical treatment for epilepsy?Construction of comprehensive epilepsy treatment31Research subjectResearch subjectOutlook for researchOutlook for students after graduationOutlook for researchOutlook for students after graduationThe technique to judge the neurological function intraoperatively and to manipulate more accurately and safely contributes maximum resection of the brain tumor, which improve sur-gical result. We are developing new operation room for neurosurgery, in which many surgical devices and surgery supporting devices including intraoperative MRI are concentrated and managed through the internet. since 2018.You can choose the neurosurgery after a 2-year early registration program after getting Japanese Medical License. Japanese Neurosurgical Board can be applied after a 4-year program of neurosurgery. You can choose the treatment of brain tumor as your subspecialty of neurosurgery.In epilepsy surgery, it is necessary to properly analyze brain functions and electroencepha-logram that are not shown in images. For detailed brain function analysis, electroencephalo-gram is measured directly from the brain cortex. The brain function analysis progresses, the time may come when even the human mind can be understood. Not only electroencephalo-gram and brain functions, but also epilepsy is often unknown, and it is a field that will develop in clinical practice and research. Epilepsy treatment performed by a neurosurgeon can visualize an “epilepsy” that cannot be seen directly and perform surgical treatment. When you can cure epilepsy with surgical treat-ment, you will be moved and delighted.Novel operating room, “Smart Cyber Operating Theater (SCOT)” in our institute. Awake craniotomy operation in glioma removal. A patient watches monitor and an-swers some questions. The resection area is checked by Navigation system.Intracranial electrodesPlacement of intracranial electrodes (left). The focus of epileptic seizures confirmed by the intracranial EEG (right). Resection of the epileptic focus planned.Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS)(LivaNova HP) Vagal nervegeneratorleadIntracranial electroencephalogramResponsive neurostimulation (RNS)(NeuroPace HP)Epilepsy surgeryEpilepsy surgerySummary of ActivityThe intraaxial brain tumor is one variety of the brain tumors. The intraaxial tumor gradually invades the brain. Treatment is surgical resection followed by radio-chemotherapy, in which surgical resection rate mostly affects the clinical result. The extensive resection sometimes causes postoperative permanent neurological deficits. The tumor should be resected maximally while preserving patient’s neurological function.Summary of ActivityEpilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder marked by the recurrence of un-provoked seizures and affects approximately 1% of the population in any generation. About a third of patients with epilepsy have seizures that are resistant to medication. Patients with uncontrolled seizures have an increased risk of worsening of quality of life, injury, or sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Epilepsy surgery offers the best opportunity for sei-zure freedom for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy.Intraaxial brain tumor is treated with latest technology in NeurosurgeryEpilepsy surgery saves the live and life of epilepsy patientsDepartment of Neurosurgery((Chief: Senior Assistant Prof. Kohei KanayaChief: Senior Assistant Prof. Kohei Kanaya))NeurosurgeryIntraaxial brain tumorIntraaxial brain tumor((Chief: Associate Prof. Toshihiro OgiwaraChief: Associate Prof. Toshihiro Ogiwara))

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