
X-Breed Seminar by Distinguished Visiting Professor Patrice Simon


X-Breed Seminar by Distinguished Visiting Professor Patrice Simon

Professor Patrice Simon, a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Center for Energy and Environmental Science gave lectures at Nagano Engineering campus and Ueda campus.
The lecture was titled "Pseudocapacitive materials for supercapacitors and micro-supercapacitors".
The state of the art research from the world leading researcher in supercapacitor field was very inspiring.


Innovative air separation, the research done by group of Special Contract Professor Kaneko


Innovative air separation, the research done by group of Special Contract Professor Kaneko

Special Contract Professor Katsumi Kaneko and Dr. Fernando Vallejos-Burgos from Center for Energy and Environmental Science, Shinshu University and a researcher from PSL University, France, theoretically proved concerted motion of the nanowindow-rim to selectively allow molecules to pass, in an energy-efficiently and fast way. This brings up new possibilities to create an advanced molecular separation membrane technology.

The research was published in the Nature Communications on May 4th, 2018

Air separation in current industry uses distillation, which consumes large amount of energy.Development of the dynamic nanowindows-embedded graphenes will save large amount of energy and provide safer and high efficient process. This study shows the future direction of air separation.

"Air separation with graphene mediated by nanowindow-rim cncerted motion"
Fernando Vallejos-Burgos, Fran?ois-Xavier Coudert & Katsumi Kaneko
Nature Communicationsvolume 9, Article number: 1812 (2018)


Prof. Wataru Sugimoto of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology/Center for Energy and Environmental Science Won the ECSJ Scientific Achievement Award


Prof. Wataru Sugimoto of the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology/Center for Energy and Environmental Science Won the ECSJ Scientific Achievement Award

Professor Wataru Sugimoto of the Department of Chemistry and Materials in the Faculty of Textile Science and Technology/Center for Energy and Environmental Science gave an award lecture for the 2018 Scientific Achievement Award of The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) at the 85th ECSJ spring meeting held at the Katsushika Campus of Tokyo University of Science on March 9-11.

The award-winning title is "Development of Conductive Nanosheets and Nanoparticles for Application to Supercapacitors and Fuel Cell Catalysts". This prize is awarded to one researcher every year among ECSJ regular member (about 4,500 members) under the age of 50 who achieved pioneering breakthroughs in electrochemistry and industrial physical chemistry. This prize is the highest prize for a mid-career researcher and the second-highest prize amongst the ECSJ prizes.

Professor Sugimoto had been awarded the Young Researcher Award (Sano Prize) (FY2004) and the Best Paper Award (FY2011) from ECSJ, and also had received the Oronzio De Nora Foundation Prize of ISE on Electrochemical Energy Conversion (FY2005) from the International Society of Electrochemistry.

Research outline: Nanosheets and nanoparticles attract attention as high performance materials owing to their large surface area and nano-size dependent physical properties which are often different from bulk. Professor Sugimoto has pursued the synthesis of low-dimensional nanomaterials, in particular nanosheets, with unique properties with emphasis on their application to electrochemical storage and conversion. He has actively pursued the development of various oxide nanosheets possessing high electronic conductivity, as well as their composites and porous electrodes, and to the use of such nanostructures to supercapacitors and fuel cell catalysts. He has successfully proposed various novel concept electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems based on two dimensional nanomaterials, and in particular pioneered research on noble metal oxide nanosheets such as RuO2. 


Research by Special Contract Professor Kaneko’s group is published on Nature Materials


Research by Special Contract Professor Kaneko’s group is published on Nature Materials

The research group, led by Special Contract Professor K. Kaneko, discovered a unique phenomenon that the ordering structure of ions in carbon nanopores is not described by the Coulomb law.

Professor Patrice Simon (Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III, France) and Professor Yury Gogotsi (Drexel University, USA), both Distinguished Visiting Professor at Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research at Shinshu University, highly contributed to this research, explicitly indicating the significance of collaboration with Distinguished Visiting professors.

This research is published in Nature Materials on September 19th (doi: 10.1038/nmat4974)
The present research firstly evidences that cations or anions are associated each other in the carbon nanopores whose width is fit for ions, although cations or anions mutually repel in the bulk phase due to the Coulomb law. The breaking of the Coulombic ordering comes from the image charges induced in the carbon walls.

The new understanding of ions confined in carbon nanopores promotes developing higher powered energy storage devices (super capacitor) and provides new insights in other research fields.

The research group held press conference on September 21st, 2017. Dr. Ryusuke Futamura, the first author of the paper and Associate Professor Taku Iiyama also attended the press conference.

"Partial breaking of the Coulombic ordering of ionic liquids confined in carbon nanopores"
Ryusuke Futamura, Taku Iiyama, Yuma Takasaki, Yury Gogotsi, Mark J. Biggs, Mathieu Salanne, Julie Ségalini, Patrice Simon & Katsumi Kaneko
Nature Materials (2017) doi:10.1038/nmat4974


Article about this research on Drexel University site.


Associate Professor Zettsu is chosen as the Fourth "Rising Star" Researcher of ICCER


Associate Professor Zettsu is chosen as the Fourth

 Associate Professor Zettsu, Energy storage Gr at the cernter for Energy and Environmental Science, and Faculty of Engineering, has been chozen for "Rising Star" researcher of ICCER.

On April 3, 2017, a ceremony to officially designate the fourth "Rising Star" (RS) researcher at Shinshu University was held.

Dr. Zettsu, specializing in the field of material science for energy conversion, has earned many public research grants and other academic accomplishments. Those achievements have contributed to his outstanding evaluation as a faculty member of Shinshu University.


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