


2016.05.06 学会告知

昨年度より本188bet体育_188bet备用网址所の特別招へい教授であります米UCLAのBruce Dunn教授による学術講演会を企画いたしました。



日 時:平成28年5月19日(木) 14:40~16:10
場 所:信州大学繊維学部 講義棟30番講義室
主 催:環境?エネルギー材料科学188bet体育_188bet备用网址所
世話人:杉本 渉(環境?エネルギー材料科学188bet体育_188bet备用网址所/繊維学部)

講師:Bruce Dunn教授(UCLA, USA)
題目:「Three Dimensional Architectures for Lithium-Ion Microbatteries」
概要: New generations of microscale devices are expected to be the
basis for the Internet of Things. These devices, which will serve such
application areas as sensing/actuation, communication and health
monitoring, will require power sources whose footprint areas are on the
order of square millimeters. Three-dimensional (3D) battery
architectures offer a novel approach capable of powering such devices by
using the third dimension, height, to increase the amount of electrode
material within a given footprint area. Moreover, by using 3D electrode
designs which minimize the ionic path length between electrodes, there
is the prospect of achieving high energy and power density within the
small footprint area. This paper will review recent advances in the
development of 3D microbatteries which incorporate periodic electrode
arrays. The design rules for such 3D architectures have been established
and fabrication methods have been demonstrated for a variety of
materials. The development of a conformal electrolyte remains one of the
key challenges facing this technology.

講師の紹介:Bruce Dunn is the Nippon Sheet Glass Professor of Materials
Science and Engineering at UCLA. After receiving his Ph.D. from UCLA in
1974, he was a staff scientist at the General Electric Corporate
Research and Development Center in Schenectady, New York. He joined the
Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA in 1980.
Professor Dunn has published some 250 papers in scientific and technical
journals and has been awarded 13 patents with several pending. Among the
honors he has received are a Fulbright research fellowship, invited
professorships at the University of Paris, the University of Bordeaux,
the University of Picardie (Jules Verne) and the Nanyang Technological
University (Singapore) and two awards from DOE for his research in
materials science. In 2003 he was named to the NSG Chair in Materials
Science and Engineering.