Physics Central pick up an academic journal of Dr. Nakata
Concept of this research:
a symmetry-breaking checkerboard
metamorphoses into the reversed one.
A research paper with title "Anisotropic Babinet-invertible metasurfaces to realize transmission-reflection switching for orthogonal polarizations of light," by Dr. Yosuke Nakata,(Optical Devices Group, Center for Energy and Environmental Science at Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research, Shinshu University) was published in Physical Review Applied and featured on a blog "Physics Buzz" in Physics Central.
The blog describes that checkerboard patterns, widely used for furniture, floors, shoes, pastries or the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games logo, are now used to realize cutting-edge optical devices.
Physical Review Applied is an online journal by American Physical Society publishing academic papers from physicists around the world,and aims at bridging the gap between the physics and engineering.
Physics Central "Physics Buzz"
Research Paper