2005年-検査技術科学専攻 学術論文など(総説?原著)

  1. Harada O, Ota H, Nakayama J.
    Malignant myoepithelioma (myoepithelial carcinoma) of soft tissue.
    Pathol Int 55:510-513,2005.

  2. Hayama M, Kawakami Y, Kaneko Y, Sano K, Ota H.
    Helicobacter pylori infection increases cell kinetics in human gastric epithelial cells without adhering to proliferating cells.
    J Cell Mol Med 9:746-747,2005.

  3. Hirota-Kawadobora M, Kani S, Terasawa F, Fuhihara N, Yamanuchi K, Tozuka M, Okumura N.
    Functional analysis of recombinant Bb15C and Bb15A fibrinogens demonstrates that Bb15G residue plays important roles in FPB release and in lateral aggregation of protofibrils.
    J Thrombosis and Haemostasis 3:983-990,2005.

  4. Hongo M, Mawatari E, Sakai A, Ruan Z, Koizumi T, Terasawa F, Yazaki Y, Kinoshita O, Ikeda U, Shibamoto T.
    Effects of Nicorandil on Monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats.
    J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 46:452-458,2005.

  5. Kani S, Terasawa F, Lord ST, Tozuka M, Ota H, Okumura N, Katsuyama T.
    In vitro expression demonstrates impaired secretion of the gAsn319,Asp320 deletion variant fibrinogen.
    Thrombosis and Haemostasis 94:53-59,2005.

  6. Kato H, Hayama M, Furuya S, Kobayashi S, Islam AM, Nishizawa O.
    Anatomical and histological studies of so-called Mullerian duct cyst.
    Int J Urol 12:465-468,2005.

  7. Kobayashi H, Koike T, Nakatsuka A, Kurita H, Sagara J, Taniguchi S, Kurashina K.
    Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase expression predicts survival outcome and chemosensitivity to 5-fluorouracil in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma.
    Oral Oncol 41:38-47,2005.

  8. Maruta F, Sugiyama A, Ishizone S, Miyagawa S, Ota H, Katsuyama T.
    Eradication of Helicobacter pylori decreases mucosal alterations linked to gastric carcinogenesis in Mongolian gerbils.
    J Gastroenterol 40:104-105,2005.

  9. Moriya M, Taniguchi S, Wu P, Liepinsh E, Otting G, Sagara J.
    Role of charged and hydrophobic residues in the oligomerization of the PYRIN domain of ASC.
    Biochemistry 44:575-583,2005.

  10. Murakami M, Ota H, Sugiyama A, Ishizone S, Maruta F, Akita N, Okimura Y, Kumagai T, Jo M, Tokuyama T.
    Suppressive effect of rice extract on Helicobacter pylori infection in a Mongolian gerbil model.
    J Gastroenterol 40:459-466,2005.

  11. Okiyama Y, Matsuzawa K, Hidaka E, Sano K, Akamatsu T, Ota H.
    Helicobacter heilmannii infection: clinical, endoscopic and histopathological features in Japanese patients.
    Pathol Int 55:398-404,2005.

  12. Saito H, Yamaoka Y, Ishizone S, Maruta H,Sugiyama A,Graham DY, Ota H, Katsuyama T, Miyagawa S.
    Roles of virD4 and cagG in the cag pathogenicity island of Helicobacter pylori in the gastric pathogenesis using a Mongolian gerbil model.
    Gut 54:584-590,2005.

  13. Takamiya O, Kimura S.
    Molecular mechanism of dysfunctional factor VII associated with the homozygous missense mutation 331Gly to Ser.
    Thrombosis Haemostasis 93:414-419,2005.

  14. Takamiya O, Hando S, Tedokon M, Bando S, Ohkura M, Negoro T, Yoshida T, Higashi K, Ohnuma O, Kubota K, Tatsumi N.
    Japanese collaborative study for fibrinogen assay: variablity of the fibrinogen assay between different laboratories dose not improve when a common calibrator is used.
    Clinical Laboratory Haematology 27:177-183,2005.

  15. Takamiya O, Machida S, Yamamoto M.
    Factor XI deficiency with a novel homozygous mutation Trp599Arg near the C-terminal region.
    Haematolgica 90:999-1001,2005.

  16. Terasawa F, Fujita K, Okumura N.
    Residue g153Cys is essential for the formation of the complexes Aag and Bbg, assembly intermediates for the AaBbg complex and intact fibrinogen.
    Clin Chim Acta 353:157-164,2005.

  17. Tomioka N, Kobayashi M, Ushiyama Y, Mizuno R, Ohhashi T.
    Effects of exercise intensity,posture,pressure on the back and ambient temperature on palmar sweating responses due to handgrip exercises in humans.
    Autonomic Neuroscience:Basic and Clinical 118:125-134,2005.

  18. Ueda H, Oikawa A, Nakamura A, Terasawa F, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T.
    Neuregulin receptor ErbB2 localization at T-tubule in cardiac and skeletal muscle.
    J Histochem Cytochem 53:87-91,2005.

  19. Uehara T, Hamano H, Kawa S, Sano K, Honda T, Ota H.
    Distinct clinicopathological entity 'autoimmune pancreatitis-associated sclerosing cholangitis.
    Pathol Int 55:405-411,2005.

  20. Yamaoka Y, Yamauchi K, Ota H, Sugiyama A, Ishizone S, Graham DY, Maruta F, Murakami M, Katsuyama T.
    Natural History of Gastric Mucosal Cytokine Expression in Helicobacter pylori Gastritis in Mongolian Gerbils.
    Infect Immun 73:2205-2212,2005.

  21. 赤羽貴行、保坂力、村山範行、川上由行.
    豊科赤十字病院医報 13:19-23,2005.

  22. 藤田清貴?亀子文子?日高宏哉.
    臨床病理 53:340-344,2005.

  23. 藤田清貴.
    検査と技術 33:386-388,2005.

  24. 羽山正義?百瀬正信?太田浩良.
    Medical Technology 33:1149-1153,2005.

  25. 羽山正義、太田浩良.
    臨床検査ひとくちメモ 「ヘリコバクター?ピロリの感染診断法としての病理組織検査の方法について説明してください」.
    モダン?メディア 51:33-36,2005.

  26. 加藤亮二、志水佳代子、中村賢治、小畠伸三、里村慎二、天川雅夫、亀子文子、金井敏晴、田尻淳一.
    ホルモンと臨床 53:21-27,2005.

  27. 川上由行,小穴こず枝.
    米糖化液の抗Helicobacter pylori活性.
    農工研通信 136:2-9,2005.

  28. 川上由行、沖村幸枝、小穴こず枝、太田浩良、勝山努 H.
    pyloriの最近5年間における耐性獲得推移 H. pylori除菌と消化性潰瘍?関連疾患-基礎?臨床188bet体育_188bet备用网址のアップデート-.
    日本臨床 増刊号 63:203-208,2005.

  29. 菊池一美、江原和志、宮坂淳子、小山忍、矢口勇治、玉井清子、三井真由美、の竹重幸、村松紘一、柳沢栄二、川上由行.
    Capnocytophaga canimorsus による菌血症の1症例.
    日本臨法微生物学会雑誌 15:9-14,2005.

  30. 百瀬正信?小林幸弘?下枝祥枝?行田弥生?石井恵子?羽山正義.
    病理技術 68:21-26,2005.

  31. 太田浩良?小林幸弘?羽山正義.
    図解 胃ムチンとの関係からみたHelicobacter pylori感染症―組織化学的および免疫組織化学的検討―.
    Helicobacter Research 9:470-475,2005.

  32. 奥村伸生.
    医学検査 54:1477-1484,2005.

  33. 下條康代?松田和之?今泉雅之?日高恵似子?上原 剛?羽山正義.
    病理技術 68:79-81,2005.