2006年-検査技術科学専攻 学術論文など(総説?原著)

  1. Hayama M, Kawakami Y, Kaneko Y, Sano K, Ota H.
    Helicobacter pylori infection increases cell kinetics in human gastric epithelial cells without adhering to proliferating cells.
    J Cell Mol Med.Vol.9,No.3:746-747.2006.

  2. Ahn M, Moon C, Kim H, Lee J, Koh CS, Matsumoto Y, Shin T.
    Immunohistochemical study of caveolin-1 in the sciatic nerves of Lewis rats with experimental autoimmune neuritis. .
    Brain Res 1102:86-91,2006.

  3. Akamatsu T, Mochizuki T, Okiyama Y, Matsumoto A, Miyabayashi H, Ota H.
    Comparison of localized gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma with and without Helicobacter pylori infection.
    Helicobacter 11:86-95,2006.

  4. Fujita K, Kameko F, Kato Y, Fukushima M, Okumura N, Terasawa F, Sugano M, Yamauchi K, Sato H, Kameko M, Sakurabayashi I.
    Mecahnism of IgA-albumin complex formation that affects the fructosamine assay.
    J Electrophoresis 50:19-23,2006.

  5. Fujita K, Sato H, Kameko F, Terasawa F, Okumura N, Sugano M, Yamauchi K, Maekawa M, Sakurabayashi I.
    An immunoglobulin A1 that inhibits lactate dehydrogenase activity, with reversal of inhibition by addition of NADH.
    Ann Clin Lab Sci 36:461-468,2006.

  6. Harada O, Ota H, Takagi K, Matsuura H, Hidaka E, Nakayama J.
    Female adnexal tumor of probable wolffian origin:Morphological, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural study with c-kit gene analysis.
    Pathol Int 56:95-100,2006.

  7. Kani S, Terasawa F, Yamauchi K, Tozuka M, Okumura N.
    Analysis of fibrinogen variants at g 387Ile shows that the side chain of g 387 and the tertiary structure of the g C-terminal tail are important not only for assembly and secretion of fibrinogen but also for lateral aggregation of protofibrils and XIIIa-catalyzed g - g dimer formation.
    Blood 108:1887-1894,2006.

  8. Kato H, Takeuchi O, Sato S, Yoneyama M, Yamamoto M, Matsui K, Uematsu S, Jung A, Kawai T, Ishii KJ, Yamaguchi O, Otsu K, Tsujimura T, Koh CS, Reis e Sousa C, Matsuura Y, Fujita T, Akira S.
    Differential roles of MDA5 and RIG-I helicases in the recognition of RNA viruses.
    Nature 441:101-105,2006.

  9. Kato S, Tsukamoto T, Mizoshita T, Tanaka H, Kumagai T, Ota H, Katsuyama T, Asaka M, Tatematsu M.
    High salt diets dose-dependently promote gastric chemical carcinogenesis in Helicobacter pylori-infected Mongolian gerbils associated with a shift in mucin production from glandular to surface mucous cells.
    Int J Cancer 119:1558-1566,2006.

  10. Kawakami Y, Oana K, Hayama M, Ota H, Takeuchi M, Miyashita K, Matsuzawa T, Kanaya K.
    In vitro bactericidal activities of Japanese rice - fluid against Helicobacter pylori strains.
    Int J Med Sci 3:112-116,2006.

  11. Kim H, Ahn M, Lee J, Moon C, Matsumoto Y, Koh CS, Shin T.
    Increased phosphorylation of caveolin-1 in the spinal cord of Lewis rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
    Neurosci Lett 402:76-80,2006.

  12. Kim H, Ahn M, Moon C, Matsumoto Y, Koh CS, Shin T.
    Immunohistochemical study of flotillin-1 in the spinal cord of Lewis rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
    Brain Res 1114:204-211,2006.

  13. Liu Y, Hidaka E, Kaneko Y, Akamatsu T, Ota H.
    Ultrastructure of Helicobacter pylori in human gastric mucosa and H. pylori-infected human gastric mucosa using transmission electron microscopy and the high-pressure freezing-freeze substitution technique.
    J Gastroenterol 41:569-574,2006.

  14. Matsuda K, Hidaka E, Ishida F, Yamauchi K, Makishima H, Ito T, Suzuki T, Imagawa E, Sano K, Katsuyama T, Ota H.
    A case of acute myelogenous leukemia with MLL-AF10 fusion caused by insertion of 5' MLL into 10p12, with concurrent 3' MLL deletion.
    Cancer Genet Cytogenet 171:24-30,2006.

  15. Masumoto J, Kobayashi H, Nakamura T, Kaneko Y, Ota H, Hasegawa M, Kobayashi Y, Suzuki T, Matsuda K, Sano K, Katsuyama T, Inohara N.
    Regulation of the ASC expression in response to LPS stimulation is related to IL-8 secretion in the human intestinal mucosa.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 346:968-973,2006.

  16. Matsumoto T, Kawakami Y, Oana K, Honda T, Yamauchi K, Okimura Y, Shiohara M, and Kasuga E.
    First isolation of Dysgonomonas mossii from intestinal juice of patient with pancreatic cancer.
    Arch Med Res 37:914-916,2006.

  17. Okumura N, Terasawa F, Hirota-Kawadobora M, Yamauchi K, Nakanishi K, Shiga S, Ichiyama S, Saito M, Kawai M, Nakahata T.
    A novel variant fibrinogen, deletion of B b 111Ser in coiled-coil region, affecting fibrin lateral aggregation.
    Clin Chim Acta 365:160-167,2006.

  18. Ota H, Hayama M, Momose M, El-Zimaity HM, Matsuda K, Sano K, Maruta F, Okumura N, Katsuyama T.
    Co-localization of TFF2 with gland mucous cell mucin in gastric mucous cells and in extracellular mucous gel adherent to normal and damaged gastric mucosa.
    Histochem Cell Biol 126:617-625,2006.

  19. Suzuki K, Hayama M, Nakamura M, Yamauchi K, Maruta F, Miyagawa S, Ota H.
    Trefoil factor 2 in gland mucous cell mucin in the mucous gel covering normal or damaged gastric mucosa using the Mongolian gerbil model.
    Scand J Gastroenterol 41:1390-1397,2006.

  20. Terasawa F, Kani S, Hongo M, Okumura N.
    In vitro fibrin clot formation and fibrinolysis using heterozygous plasma fibrinogen from g Asn319,Asp320 deletion dysfibrinogen, Otsu I.
    Thromb Res 118:651-661,2006.

  21. Yoshiyuki K, Oana K, Hayama M, Ota H, Takeuchi M, Miyashita K, Matsuzawa T, Kanaya K.
    In vitro bacterial activities of Japanese rice-fluid against Helicobacter pylori strains.
    Int J Med Sci 3:112-116,2006.

  22. Yu JW, Wu J, Zhang Z, Datta P, Ibrahimi I, Taniguchi S, Sagara J, Alnemri T, Alnemuri ES.
    Cryopyrin and pyrin activate caspase-1, but not NF-kappaD, via ASC oligomerization.
    Cell Death Differ 13:236-249,2006.

  23. 赤羽 貴行、保坂 力、村山 範行、小穴 こず枝、川上 由行.
    入院時の患者鼻腔内 Moraxella catarrhalis の保菌状況に関する一考察.
    日赤検査 39:20-26,2006.

  24. 安藤敏子、渡邉眞一郎、大川記代、小川登、荏原茂、長澤佳美、石原潤、亀子文子、藤田清貴.
    生物物理化学 50:225-229,2006.

  25. 藤田清貴.
    体外循環技術 33:1-7,2006.

  26. 藤田清貴
    IgG index、オリゴクローナルバンドの臨床的意義.
    Medical Technology 34:1249-1252,2006.

  27. 花房秀次、大山和成、渡辺 智、榊原 謙、平松裕司、新福玄二、高木洋行、佐藤公治、坂部秀明、中谷 浩、日嵩 聡、澤田暁宏、西川哲夫、伊藤啓二朗、高宮 脩、吉岡 章.
    先天性第 VII因子欠乏症患者に対する遺伝性組み換え活性型第VII因子製剤(注射用ノボセブン)の有効性と安全性.
    日本血栓止血学会誌 17:695-705,2006.

  28. 保坂 力、赤羽 貴行、村山 範行、小穴 こず枝、川上 由行.
    日赤検査 39:17-19,2006.

  29. 亀子文子、加藤亮二、天川雅夫.
    医学検査 55:184-190,2006.

  30. 中西加代子、森 尚子、石田敦巳、藤井葉子、志賀修一、斎藤 潤、奥村伸生、一山 智.
    変異フィブリノゲンKyoto IV(B b 鎖コイルドコイル領域Ser111欠損)の発見と文献的考察.
    日本検査血液学会雑誌 7:394-400,2006.

  31. 小穴 こず枝、羽山 正義、川上 由行.
    ワンポイント臨床細菌学 バチルス属Z(Genus Bacillus).
    感染と抗菌薬 9:318-320,2006.

  32. 太田浩良、羽山正義、金子靖典、松本竹久、川上由行、熊谷俊子、久保田聖子、勝山 努.
    Helicobacter pylori 感染症 -基礎と臨床-.
    臨床化学 35:37-47,2006.

  33. 太田浩良、松澤賢治、沖山葉子、細田和貴、川久保雅友、日高惠以子、川上由行、勝山努.
    Helicobacter heilmannii感染と胃粘膜病変.
    Helicobacter Research 10:57-62,2006.

  34. 相良淳二.
    ASCとPYRINファミリー 自然免疫とアポトーシスの新たな制御機構.
    生化学 78:483-491,2006.

  35. 高宮 脩.
    チーム医療教育にむけて 信州大学の試み.
    臨床病理 54:299-304,2006.

  36. 高宮 脩、手登根稔、板東史郎、大沼沖雄、巽 典之.
    日本検査血液学会雑誌 7:401-408,2006.

  37. 富田勉、石崎美知子、太田浩良、菅沼龍夫、石原和彦、仲田崇夫、竹田美文.
    胃酸は腺粘液とともに胃内腔へ分泌される-ラット胃粘膜を用いたin vivo動的観察-.
    潰瘍 Ulcer Research 33:178-181,2006.