2013年-検査技術科学専攻 学術論文など(総説?原著)
Betsuyaku T, Kato M, Fujimoto K, Hagan G, Kobayashi A, Hitosugi H, James M, Jones PW
A study to assess COPD symptom-based management and to optimize treatment strategy in Japan (COSMOS-J) based on GOLD 2011.
Int J COPD 2013; 8: 453-459. -
Fernandes-Alnemri T, Kang S, Anderson C, Sagara J, Fitzgerald KA, Alnemri ES.Cutting edge
TLR signaling licenses IRAK1 for rapid activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
Immunol 91:3995-3999, 2013. -
Hayano J, Tsukahara T, Watanabe E, Sasaki F, Kawai K, Sakakibara H, Kodama I, Nomiyama T, Fujimoto K
Accuracy of ECG-based screening for sleep-disordered breathing
a survey of all male workers in a transport company. Sleep Breath. 17(1):243-51, 2013. -
Hongo M, Hidaka H, Sakaguchi S
et al. Serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level and lifestyle habits among japanese junior high school students, Shinshu Medical Journal. 61(4) : 205-215, 2013. -
Hongo M, Hidaka H, Sakaguchi S, Nakanishi K, Terasawa F
et al: Serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level and lifestyle habits among Japanese junior high school students. Shinshu Med J. 61:205-215, 2013. -
Imamura H, Akioka Y, Asano T, Sugawara N, Ishizuka K, Chikamoto H, Taki M, Terasawa F, Okumura N, Hattori M
Successdul living-related kidney transplantation in a boy with inherited dysfibrinogenemia. Pediatr Transplant 17: E161- E164, 2013. -
Iriyama N, Hatta Y, Tkeuchi J, Ogawa Y, Ohtake S, Sakura T, Mitani K, Ishida F, Takahashi M, Maeda T, Izumi T, Sakamaki H, Miyawakai S, Honda S, Miyazaki Y, Taki T, Taniwaki M, Naoe T
CD56 expression is an independent prognostic factor for relapse in acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21). Leuk Res 37:1021-6, 2013. -
Ishida F, Nakzawa H, Takezawa Y, matsuda K, Asano N, Sano K, Sakai H, Ito T
Richter transformation in the brain from chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J Clin Exp Hematopatho 53:157-60,2013 -
Kawakami T, Ito T, Saka H, Sekiguchi N, Nakazawa H, Snoo N, Nishina S, Ishida F
Large vessel developed early after allogeneic bone marrow transplant for acute erythroid leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma 54: 2748-9, 2013 -
Kenji Ohba,Yutaka Oki,Kiyotaka Fujita,Fumiko Kameko,Takanori Moriyama,Yasuoki Horiike
et al:A sudden onset and the spontaneous remission of severe hypo-high-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia without serious underlying disease:A case report.Clinica Chimica Acta426:91-94,2013. -
Kitaguchi Y, Fujimoto K, Hanaoka M, Honda T, Kubo K
Annual changes in pulmonary function in combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema: over a 5-year follow-up. Respir Med 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rmed.2013.06.015. (corresponding author) -
Kitaguchi Y, Fujimoto K, Komatsu Y, Hanaoka M, Honda T, Kubo K
Additive efficacy of short-acting bronchodilators on dynamic hyperinflation and exercise tolerance in stable COPD patients treated with long-acting bronchodilators. Respir Med. 107(3):394-400, 2013. (corresponding author) -
Kubota N, Kuzumoto K, Hidaka E, Yoshizawa K, Yumoto K, Oana K, Ogiso Y, Nakamura T, Kawakami Y
First isolation of oleate-dependent Enterococcus faecalis small-colony variants from an umbilical exudate of a pediatric patient with omphalitis. J Med Microbiol 62: 1883-1890, 2013. -
Matsumoto T, Kawakami Y, Sueki A, Kasuga E, Oana K, Horiuchi K, Kato M, Honda T
Isolation of an X-factor-dependent but porphyrin-positive Escherichia coli from urine of a patient with hemorrhagic cystitis. J Infect Chemother 19:764-766, 2013. -
Murata K, Fujimoto K, Kitaguchi Y, Horiuchi T, Kubo K, Honda T
Hydrogen peroxide content and pH of expired breath condensate from patients with asthma and COPD. COPD, 2013. Oct. ISSN: 1541-2555 print / 1541-2563 online (corresponding author) -
Nakazawa Y, Saito S, Yanagisawa R, Suzuki T, Ito T, Ishida F, Muramatsu H, Matsumoto K, Kato K, Ishida H, Umeda K ,Adachi S, Nakahata T, Koike K
recipient seropositivity for adenovirus type 11(AdV11) is a highly predictive factor for the development of AdV11-induced hemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic hematopoietic SCT. Bone Marrow Transplant 48 737-9, 2013. -
Oana K, Yamaguchi M, Nagata M, Washino K, Akahane T, Takamatsu YU, Tsutsui C, Matsumoto T, Kawakami Y
First isolation of carbon dioxide-dependent Proteus mirabilis from an uncomplicated cystitis patient with Sj?gren's syndrome. Jpn J Infect Dis 66:241-244, 2013. -
Sekighuchi N, Joshita S, Yoshida T, Kurozumi M, Sano K, Nakagawa M, Ito T, Matsushita T, Komatsu D, Komatsu M, Ito T, Umemura T, Ikeda S, Kadoya M, Ishida F, Tanaka E
Liver dysfuntion and thrombocytopenia diagnosed as intravascular large B-cell lymphoma using a timely and accurate tranjugular liver biopsy. Intern Med. 52: 1903-8,2013 -
Soya K, Takezawa Y, Okumura N, Terasawa F
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay was demonstrated in two hypofibrinogenemias caused by heterozygous nonsense mutations of FGG, Shizuoka III and Kanazawa II. Thromb Res 132:465-470, 2013. -
Soya K, Terasawa F, Okumura N
Fibrinopeptide A release is necessary for effective B:b interactions in polymerization of variant fibrinogens with impaired A:a interactions. Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis. 109: 221-228, 2013. -
Takezawa Y, Matsuda K, Terasawa F, Sugano M, Honda T, Okumura N
siRNA down-regulation of FGA mRNA in HepG2 cells demonstrated that heterozygous abnormality of the Aa-chain gene does not affect the plasma fibrinogen level. Thrombosis Res. 131:342-348, 2013. -
Takezawa Y, Matsuda K, Terasawa F, Sugano M, Honda T, Okumura N
siRNA down-regulation of FGA mRNA in HepG2 cells demonstrated that heterozygous abnormality of the Aa-chain gene does not affect the plasma fibrinogen level. Thromb Res 131: 342-348, 2013. -
Ushiki A, Fujimoto K, Ito M, Yasuo M, Urushihata K, Hanaoka M, Kubo K
Comparison of lung function and quality of life between the 6-min walk test and the shuttle walk test in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Shinshu Med J 61 (2): 57-64, 2013.(corresponding author) -
Clostridium difficile 抗原迅速診断キット (C. DIFF QUIK CHEK コンプリート) の有用性に関する検討.日赤検査 2013;46 :12-16 -
サルコイドーシスの呼吸機能(総説) 日本サルコイドーシス/肉芽腫性疾患学会雑誌 33巻1-2 Page27-30, 2013. (2013.10) -
【サルコイドーシス診断と治療の進歩】 肺機能からみた肺サルコイドーシス.呼吸器内科 24巻3号 Page206-210, 2013. (2013.09) -
【特発性間質性肺炎-この10年の進歩と今後の展望-】 喫煙関連間質性肺疾患とCPFEをめぐって CPFEの呼吸機能.日本胸部臨床 72巻増刊 PageS200-S204(2013.08) -
COPD-その病態と最新治療】 COPDの呼吸機能(解説/特集).カレントテラピー 31(5), 485-488, 2013. (2013.05) -
支持体により電気泳動移動度が異なり,免疫グロブリン定量値にも乖離を認めた多発性骨髄腫.臨床検査57:86-92,2013 -
免疫電気泳動でspurを形成し,M蛋白量と免疫グロブリン濃度が乖離するIgA2型多発性骨髄腫.臨床検査57:337-344,2013 -
北口 良晃, 藤本 圭作, 小松 佳道, 神田 慎太郎, 漆畑 一寿, 花岡 正幸, 久保 惠嗣
肺気腫型および非肺気腫型慢性閉塞性肺疾患における長時間作用型気管支拡張薬の効果の比較.日本呼吸ケア?リハビリテーション学会誌 22巻3号 Page398-404(2012.12) -
小松 佳道, 藤本 圭作, 小松 道俊, 蜂谷 勤, 花岡 正幸, 久保 惠嗣
長野県諏訪市の某企業における喫煙者の経年的1秒量の低下に関する疫学的188bet体育_188bet备用网址 人間ドックデータより.日本呼吸ケア?リハビリテーション学会誌 23巻2号 Page193-197(2013.08) -
長澤 正樹, 田村 克彦, 牧野 靖, 中村 裕紀, 松尾 明美, 藤本 圭作
腹膜透析患者(PD)の睡眠呼吸障害(SDB)に対するCAPD+HD併用療法の効果.日本透析医学会雑誌 46巻Suppl.1 Page588(2013.05) -
Henoch-Schonlein紫斑病罹患時のフィブリノゲン低下により診断に至ったヘテロ型フィブリノゲン欠損症の1例.小児科 53: 513-516, 2013. -
血栓症が強く疑われた患者において発見された異常フィブリノゲン血症ヘテロ患者,fibrinogen Hamamatsu II の機能解析.臨床検査 57:919-925, 2013.