2016年-検査技術科学専攻 学術論文など(総説?原著)
Andersson E, Tanahashi T, Sekiguchi N, Gasparini VR, Bortoluzzi S,Kwakami T, Matsuda K, Mitsui T, Eldfors S, Bortoluzzi S, Coppe A, Binatti A, Lagstr?m S, Ellonen P, Fukushima N, Nishina S, Senoo N, Sakai H, Nakazawa H, Kwong YL, Loughran TP, Maciejewski JP, Mustjoki S, Ishida F: High incidence of activating STAT5B mutations in CD4-positive T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia. BLOOD 128 2465-2468, 2016.
Fukigai S, Morimoto M, Kimura K, Doyama Y, Miyazaki A, Kamiya C, Banno H, Morishima E, Onoda T, Nagano N, Jin W, Wachino JI, Yamada K, Arakawa Y: Effectual detection of group B streptococci with reduced penicillin susceptibility (PRGBS) by commercially available methicillin-resistant-Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)-selective agar. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 85:309-312, 2016.
Harada M, Izawa A, Hidaka H, Nakanishi K, Terasawa F, Motoki H, Yazaki Y, Ikeda U, Hongo M: Study Project on Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome among Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults in Shinshu. Importance of cystatin C and uric acid levels in the association of cardiometabolic risk factors in Japanese junior high school students. J Cardiol. 69: 222-227, 2016.
Higuchi Y, Kawakubo M, Yuzawa M, Sano K and Shimodaira S: WT1 Peptide Vaccine is Unaffected by Airport Screening X-Irradiation. Vaccines & Immunother, 3(1) 2016.
Hori A, Yamashita M, Yamaura M, Hongo M, Honda T, Hidaka H: Rapid quantitative analysis of human serum sphingomyelin species using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with lipid hydrolase treatment. Clin Chim Acta. 453:95-99, 2016.
Horiuchi A, Kubota N, Hidaka E, Nakamura T, Oana K, Kawakami Y: A Case of Pediatric Pertussis Unhesitatingly Diagnosed with the Insight of Microbiology Laboratory. Br J Med Med Res 16:1-4, 2016.
Kagami K, Yamazaki R, Minami T, Okumura N, Morishita E, Fujiwara H: Familial discrepancy of clinical outcomes associated with fibrinogen Dorfen: A case of huge genital hematoma after episiotomy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 42:722-725,2016.
Kim SJ, Yoon DH, Jaccard A, Chng WJ, Lim ST, Hong H, Park Y, Chang KM, Maeda Y, Ishida F, Shin D-Y, Kim JS, Yang D-H, Lee G-W, Choi CW, Lee W-S, Chen T-Y, Kim K, Jung S-H, Murayama T, Oki Y, Advani R, d'Amore F, Schmitz N, Suh C, Suzuki R, Kwong YL, Lin T-Y, Kim WS: A prognostic index for natural killer cell lymphoma after non-anthracycline-based treatment:a multicenter, retrospective analysis. Lancet Oncol 17;389-400, 2016
Mukai S, Nagata K, Ikeda M, Arai S, Sugano M, Honda T, Okumura N: Genetic analyses of novel compound heterozygous hypodysfibrinogenemia, Tsukuba I: FGG c.1129+62_65 del AATA and FGG c.1299+4 del A. Thromb Res 148:111-117,2016.
Nakajima T, Uehara T, Maruyama Y, Iwaya M, Kobayashi Y, Ota H: Distribution of Lgr5-positive cancer cells in intramucosal gastric signet-ring cell carcinoma. Pathol Int 66: 518-523, 2016.
Nakayama Y, Lin Y, Hongo M, Hidaka H, Kikuchi S: Helicobacter pylori infection and its related factors in junior high school students in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Helicobacter. 1-7, doi: 10.1111/hel.12363, 2016.
Saito S, Koori Y, Ohsaki Y, Osaka S, Oana K, Nagano Y, Arakawa Y, and Nagano N: Third-generation cephalosporin-resistant non-typhoidal Salmonella isolated from human feces in Japan. Jpn. J. Infect. Dis. DOI: 10.7883/yoken.JJID.2016.166, 2016.
Shimodaira S, Higuchi Y, Yanagisawa R, Okamoto M, Koido S: Efficacy of Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy. Biochem Anal Biochem, 5(240), 2161-1009, 2016. doi:10.4172/2161-1009.1000240
Shimodaira S, Hirabayashi K, Koya T, Higuchi Y, Yanagisawa R, Okamoto M, Koido S: An update on Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy. Immunome Res 12:106. 2016. doi:10.4172/1745-7580.10000106.
Shimodaira S, Koya T, Higuchi Y, Okamoto M, Koido S: Quality Verification of Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Vaccine. Pharm Anal Acta, 7, 465, 2016. doi:10.4172/2153-2435.1000465
Tanahashi T, Sekiguchi N, Matsuda K, Takezawa Y, Ito T, Kobayashi H, Ichikawa N, Nishina S, Senoo N, Sakai H, Nakazawa H, Ishida F: Cell size variations of large granular lymphocyte leukemia; Implication of a small cell subtype of granular lymphocyte leukemia with STAT3 mutations. Leukemia Res 45;8-13,2016.
Tokutake T, Baba H, Shimada Y, Takeda W, Sato K, Hiroshima Y, Kirihara T, Shimizu I, Nakazawa H, Kobayashi H, Ishida F: Exogenous magnesium chloride reduces the activated partial thromboplastin times of lupus coagulant-positive patients. PLoS One 11(6)e0157835. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157835. 2016.
Yamada K, Kashiwa M, Arai K, Nagano N, Saito R: Comparison of the modified-Hodge test, Carba NP test, and carbapenem inactivation method as screening methods for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Microbiol. Methods. 128:48-51, 2016.
Yamada K, Kashiwa M, Arai K, Nagano N, Saito R: Evaluation of the modified carbapenem inactivation method and sodium mercaptoacetate-combination method for the detection of metallo-b-lactamase production by carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Microbiol. Methods. 132:112-115, 2016.
浦みどり,田中仁美,高橋香織,山﨑春奈,藤本圭作:呼気中一酸化窒素濃度の吸入気管支拡張薬による影響の検討.臨床病理 64(2): 127-132, 2016.
奥村伸生:フィブリノゲン異常症?欠損症に関するコンサルテーションおよび病因解析.臨床検査学教育8:14-19, 2016.
奥村伸生:臨床検査の現場から発信する医学188bet体育_188bet备用网址,日常検査における異常データから発見された遺伝子異常症とその異常データを生じる原因解明.臨床検査60:30-35, 2016.
沖山葉子,松澤賢治,勝山 努,樋口雅隆,中島恒夫,丸山和敏,松本竹久,太田浩良,岩谷勇吾,赤松泰次:Helicobacter heilmannii-like organism(HHLO)関連胃炎.胃と腸 51:105-115. 2016.
江田清一郎,藤本圭作,花岡正幸,久保惠嗣:長野県における在宅人工呼吸療法の現状.日本呼吸ケア?リハビリテーション学会誌 26(1): 78-84, 2016.
寺澤文子, 石井 亘,樋口由美子,新井慎平,奥村伸生:関節リウマチ患者における血清中シトルリン化フィブリノゲンおよびその抗体の定量. 生物試料分析 39(4):263-270, 2016.
西岡 宏,平沢千尋,矢野志春,阿部直樹,白籏久美子,石田文宏:褥瘡の外科的処置後の異常出血を契機に診断された後天性血友病の1例. 形成外科 59(3):310-316, 2016.
赤羽貴行,村山範行,小穴こず枝,川上由行:当院救急部における肺炎球菌細胞壁抗原検出試薬(ラビラン?肺炎球菌)の有用性の検討.日赤検査49:46-49, 2016.
赤羽貴行,村山範行,小穴こず枝:当院における抗酸菌検査の状況-LAMP法導入後の臨床への成果を含め-.長臨技会誌 5:1-4, 2016.
長野則之,長野由紀子,荒川宜親.特集 グローバル化時代の耐性菌感染症,カルバペネム耐性腸内細菌科細菌.臨床検査60(1):92-99, 2016.
藤本圭作,丸山雄一郎,佐藤裕信,竹内 裕:低線量X線CTによる肺癌検診時に併せたCOPD検診の取り組みと成果.日本呼吸器学会誌5(6):290-296, 2016.
藤本圭作:検査室外睡眠検査(OCST)と判定困難例への対応 (第1回) 現行の携帯型睡眠検査装置の問題点と位置づけ?対応策.睡眠医療10(2):307-312, 2016.
平山敦大, 伊東哲宏,関口智裕,中村麗那,北畠央之,田中景子,丸山康弘,岡村卓磨, 岩谷勇吾, 北原 桂, 古賀弘志, 中澤英之, 伊藤俊朗,太田浩良,菅 智明:長期にわたり頻回の内視鏡的バルーン拡張術を要した食道慢性GVHDの1例.胃と腸 51:1055-1060, 2016.
堀 敦詞,山浦 洵,本郷 実,本田孝行,日高宏哉:MALDI-TOF質量分析による血清中スルファチド分子種の分析. 臨床化学45:46-51, 2016.