
  1. A Sunny Autumn Day: Shinshu University Marathon 2019

A Sunny Autumn Day: Shinshu University Marathon 2019


School of General Education held the Shinshu University Marathon 2019 in collaboration with the Shinshu University Supporters Club at Shinshu Sky Park (Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture) on November 16, 2019.
280 runners participated this year, the 7th year, 233 of whom are not associated with the university. They travelled as far as from Hokkaido and Shimane for the marathon.

What makes this marathon unique is that Shinshu University holds a class “Shindai Marathon” where students take three intensive classes acquiring running forms, pace distribution and water supply etc. During individual practice, students turn in a report every month and analyze the changes in physical fitness, running pace and learn how to manage oneself to achieve a goal. When students are able to complete the race, it builds their confidence and sense of self-efficacy while improving their physical strength.

Out of the 42 student runners this year, 25 full marathons and 10 half marathons were completed. The completion rate of the full marathon entries (32 students) was more than 75%, which is very high.

In celebration of the university's 70th anniversary project, special awards were given to the oldest runner and those who travelled the farthest to participate, in addition to the first, second and third of each class.

The most senior award of the women's half marathon was a graduate of the medical technology junior college (current Shinshu University School of Health Sciences). The crowd of participants were surprised and impressed with her achievements and cheered for her award.

The university will continue to develop classes aimed at improving students’ abilities
