
  1. Chungnam National University-Shinshu University International Collaboration Meeting

Chungnam National University-Shinshu University International Collaboration Meeting


Commemorative photo: from left, President Nakamura, President Kim, Dr. Nakasato, Dr. Lee, Dr. Kim, Dr. An, Dr. Yasuda, Dr. Yonekura, Dr. Kwak

On February 18, 2025, a delegation from Chungnam National University in South Korea visited the Shinshu University Matsumoto Campus to discuss the future of international collaboration between the two universities.

The universities, partners in student exchange and research since 2013, recently extended their general MOU, student exchange and research agreements in the summer of 2024. This meeting aimed to strengthen existing intentions for collaboration and discuss ideas for future collaborations.

The delegation from Chungnam National University, led by University President and Professor Jeong-Kyoum Kim, Ph.D., was joined by Professor Hyun Joo An, Ph.D., Vice President for International Affairs, Professor Dae Hoon Kwak, Ph.D., Dean of the Office of the President, and Mr. Jong-Sung Park, Director of the Office of International Affairs. Attending from Shinshu University was University President and Professor NAKAMURA Soichiro, Ph.D., Professor YASUDA Hironori, Ph.D., Executive Director for Global Education, Professor YONEKURA Shinichi, Ph.D., Vice President for International Affairs, Professor Ick Soo Kim, Vice President for Global Initiative/Director of the Institute for Fiber Engineering (IFES) and Dr. Ji Ha Lee, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology. The meeting was emceed by Dr. Lauren Nakasato, Center for Global Education and Collaboration.

Following opening remarks from President Kim and President Nakamura, each university gave a brief video overview of their institutions. The opening was followed by a vigorous discussion yielding the possibility of future collaborations between the two universities including an exchange of professors to teach courses in English and a short-term student exchange program. Both parties expressed the desire to increase the number of Shinshu University students studying at Chungnam National University as CNU has sent exchange students to Shinshu consistently since 2017.

The discussion continued over a light luncheon and concluded with photos and an exchange of gifts prior to the delegation’s departure.



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Exchanging gifts