- Topics
- Academics
Nagano City Youth Design Life Support Site and "Lifestyle" Booklet
- Research
Three Researchers Newly Certified as Rising Stars
- Research
The development of an artificial protein that does not denature under high temperatures
- Global
SU Hospital among the World's Best Hospitals 2020
- Research
Regenerative Medicine: Water Insect Spins Promising Silk
- Collaborate
Shinshu's IP/Patents and Industry-Academia Collaboration portrayed in National Survey
- Research
Professor Endo receives Special Emeritus Professorship
- Academics
- Global
The 2019 Japan-Russia Student Forum in Shinshu
- Outreach
- Research
"The Future of Water Bridged by Science" seminar held at MEXT Information Plaza!
- Global
Shinshu University ranked No. 1 in Japan in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings
- Outreach
- Research
OPERA exhibit their research results at MEDICA / COMPAMED2019 in Dusseldorf, Germany
- Academics
A Sunny Autumn Day: Shinshu University Marathon 2019
- Global
Reception of Certification for Collaborative Professor in Shinshu University
- Outreach
- Research
Special exhibition of Shindai Crystal at the MEXT entrance
- Outreach
Alumni Visits: Pokémon GO Creator and the Father of the Bullet-train Traffic Control System