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Photocatalytic self-cleaning coating to wash clothes without water
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Elucidating the icosahedral 60-meric porous structure of designed supramolecular protein nanoparticle TIP60
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Shinshu University Appoints Two New Collaborative Professors from Lille, France
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Global platform project to share natural disaster experiences received "Japan Prize Heisei Memorial Research Grant", based on 10 years research in Fukushima
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Development of photocatalysts producing clean hydrogen energy from sunlight and water
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Featured Research Projects; Special Emeritus Professor Morinobu Endo: Pioneer of Carbon Nanotubes
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REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: joint teaching activities for PhD students with University of Trieste, Italy
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Opening Ceremony of Hebei Medical University Satellite Office at Shinshu University
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Observing ultrafast dynamics of the electromagnetic waves at temporal boundary
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"University Coalition for Carbon Neutrality" launches to realize a decarbonized society
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Mechanism of dissolved radiocesium discharge from the forest during rainstorms in Fukushima
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The 3rd online lecture on "Moving microRNAs towards targeted therapy" with University of California, Davis Health - the
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The 2nd online lecture on "MicroRNAs in the control of ADME" with University of California, Davis Health (UC Davis) - the 7th International Seminar-
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OPENING CEREMONY: Shinshu University Satellite Office at Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
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International English Zoom Breakout Camp 2021