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Human Sciences

Human Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine

This list of Departments of Master's Program applies to Doctor's Program of Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology.
However, Doctor's Program has some Departments only for Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology.

Master's Program : Human Sciences,Graduate School of Medicine
Doctor's Program : Medical Science Division,Department of Medical Sciences,Graduate School of Medicine,Science and Technology

Anatomy FUKUSHIMA Nanae, prof.
Molecular Pathophysiology SAWAMURA Tatsuya, prof.
Molecular and Cellular Physiology TABUCHI Katsuhiko, prof.
Molecular Pharmacology (Pharmacology) -
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics NAITO Takafumi, prof.
Histology and Embryology JOHKURA Kohei, associate prof.
Pathology KANNO Hiroyuki, prof.
Microbiology and Immunology -
Molecular and Cellular Immunology SANJO Hideki, associate prof.
Parasitology TAKAMOTO Masaya, prof.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology HIRATSUKA Sachie, prof.
Medical Genetics KOSHO Tomoki, prof.
Preventive Medicine and Public Health NOMIYAMA Tetsuo, prof.
Legal Medicine ASAMURA Hideki, prof.
Medical Education and Community Medivine MORI Junichiro, senior assistant prof.
Molecular Pathology -
Sports Medical Sciences MASUKI Shizue, prof.
Cardiovascular Research SHINDO Takayuki, prof.
Global Medical Research Promotion TANAKA Naoki, prof.
Health Promotion Science (Doctor's Program only) TERASAWA Koji, prof.
TAKAHASHI Tomone, prof.
SHIMADA Hiroyuki, prof.
Infection and Host Defense (Endowed Department) TAKAMOTO Masaya, prof.
Medicine (Respirology, Infectious Disease, Allergology) HANAOKA Masayuki, prof.
Medicine (Gastroenterology, Nephrology) -
Medicine (Neurology, Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology) SEKIJIMA Yoshiki, prof.
Medicine (Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism) KOMATSU Mitsuhisa, prof.
Medicine (Cardiovascular) KUWAHARA Koichiro, prof.
Psychiatry WASHIZUKA Shinsuke, prof.
Dermatology OKUYAMA Ryuhei, prof
Radiology FUJINAGA Yasunari, prof.
Surgery(Gastroenterological, Transplantation, Pediatrics) SOEJIMA Yuji, prof.
Urology (Clinical Urologic and Pharmacologic Research) AKIYAMA Yoshiyuki, prof.
Ophthalmology (Pathogenesis of ocular neovascular diseases) MURATA Toshinori, prof.
Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery TAKUMI Yutaka, prof.
Obstetrics and Gynecology SHIOZAWA Tanri, prof
Anesthesiology and Resuscitology -
Plastic and Reconstructive surgery YUZURIHA Shunsuke, prof.
Laboratory Medicine UEHARA Takeshi, associate prof.
Emergency and Critical Care Medicine IMAMURA Hiroshi, prof.
Hematology and Medical Oncology MAKISHIMA Hideki, prof.
Medical Informatics KITAGUCHI Yoshiaki, associate prof.

Master's Program : Human Sciences,Graduate School of MedicineDoctor's Program : 4-years course,Biotechnology Division,Department of Biomedical Engineering,Graduate School of Medicine,Science and Technology

Aging Biology MORI Masayuki, Associate prof.
Regenerative Medicine SHIBA Yuji, prof.
Pediatrics NAKAZAWA Yozo, prof.
Surgery(Cardiovascular) SETO Tatsuichiro, prof.
Surgery(Thoracic) SHIMIZU Kimihiro, prof.
Surgery(Breast and Endocrine) ITO Ken-ichi, prof.

Master's Program : Human Sciences,Graduate School of MedicineDoctor's Program : 4-years course,Biomedical Engineering Division,Department of Biomedical Engineering,Graduate School of Medicine,Science and Technology

Biocompatible System Engineering (Doctor's Program only) SAITO Naoto, prof.
UEMURA Takeshi, prof.
Orthopaedic Surgery TAKAHASHI Jun, prof.
Neurosurgery HORIUCHI Tetsuyoshi, prof.
Dentistry and Oral surgery KURITA Hiroshi, prof.